Friday, March 29, 2013

Fat to Fit Friday!!!

Hey y'all! I'm linking up with a few gorgeous girls for Fat to Fit Friday!

So what motivates you guys to stay on track??? At first it was easy for me to stay on track with weekly weigh ins... Well I dropped about 20lbs, and then it just stopped. I'm NOT near my goal weight. Not by a long shot. In fact, I need to lose about 65 more lbs to hit my goal. So I've taken every one else's advice and broken up with my dirty whore of a scale and just turned to measurements and pictures. 

Soooo the picture on the left was from August. The picture on the right was last week!

Like I said before, there's only a 20 lb difference between the two. Ignore the pissed off look in the 2nd picture, because TRUST me, I'm a lot happier with the way I look now than I did in August.

I have 4 little humans to take care of... Talk about motivation! I want to be able to keep up with them, run with them... I don't want to be stuck on the sidelines cheering... I never was a cheerleader, I've always been in the moment... Until I got FAT! I guess that's what happens when you pop out 4 kids and lose all the self confidence you've ever had.

Well no more pity party here! I'm on my shit now, and there's not a thing that's going to stop me :)

Until next time!

Stay Classy!

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Is this thing on?!

Well, it's evident that I haven't posted anything in over a month, needless to say, I fell off the wagon. I mean I didn't go get a bunch of hookers and cocaine...


But I did eat whatever I wanted... Eat clean? WTF is that?! Rabbit Food? I drank pop like Weezy drank that purple drank.... I mean let's face it, that ish is fantastic... And when you're programmed from birth (meaning it was in my bottle) it's kind of hard to kick the habit.

Oh, and the gym? Apparently I forgot where it was! I've been about 7x this month.... Ridiculous.  I could come up with a million excuses like.... My house was hit with the stomach plague... I wanted to spend every minute with my 52 (or four) boys.... I was tired...

But let's get real about this ish.... I only had the stomach virus for a day, I go through a bottle of Excedrin Migraine a month, and I haven't really slept since giving birth to twins and their straggler brother 11 months later.... I was simply being lazy.... Not only was I being lazy, but my Co-blogger? Becca reached one-derland (She should probably blog about THAT..... But Seriously.... It's time to
turn this shit up....

There's nothing like a little motivational picture to help really put things into perspective for you. If you use Instagram, you can see lots of these pictures every day of real life people who did it on their own! I decided to do one to get me out of my funk. Here it is:

The left picture was a year ago. The picture on the right was last week :) There's only about a 25lb difference in the two, but it's a huge change. I had a couple of bad weeks, but that doesn't mean I need to just give up and go back to the girl on the left. I've got to get my priorities straight and realize I need to get my shit together :) Hopefully I can rely on my accountability partners to help! I have 3 goals starting now that I will do for the month of April... They are:

1. Drink 100oz of water every day, no excuses.
2. Become reacquainted with the gym. At least 20x between now (March 26th and April 30th).
3. Quit regular soda, I swear, this will be my hardest thing.

If anyone wants to share their April goals, feel free to comment below! If anyone wants an accountability partner you can message me at :) Until next time!

Stay Classy!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Week in Review

Hope everyone had a fantastic week! My week was chaotic as usual... In fact I'm dodging legos and balls hitting my face as we speak; being thrown from my kids of course, you pervs.

My Polar F7 came in on Monday :) Not only did I try that baby out, but I worked out a whopping 4 days this week! Usually I shoot for 3, but I actually did fit 4 in.. And I actually felt better!
I worked out 2 hrs and 45 minutes this week and burned 1666 calories :) I know that for some of you this is your Sunday workout, but for me it was a giant leap in the right direction! I really sucked with my water intake this week.. It's just something about the pop that I can't quit! I am proud to say that I'm sipping on a Chick-Fil-A cup of water while my husband eats his 5th meal today, and no we haven't had dinner yet. Hopefully this week will be even better. I want to make sure I mention that Charla from Fluffy in Frisco has been an amazing accountability partner this month, and I hope we'll keep in touch!

Side note and completely random rambling.... Did you know that once you're practically 30, (27, but whatevs) you really can't drink all night and feel amazing the next morning for work!? This picture was followed with some Fat Amy Imitations and trying to horizontal run... NOT PRETTY!

So despite waking up feeling like Lindsay Lohan, I had a pretty good week :) Just need to make sure I choose the elliptical instead of Jello Shots :) Hope your week shapes up to be amazing!

Stay Classy :)

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday

FINALLY!!!!! I've broken through my slump and lost 3 lbs! Happy Dance!

So what did I do different this week? I drank more regular pop than normal.. Maybe that helped! Not really, I mean I did, but I also made sure that I drank at least 4-5 bottles of water a day. I also started using MFP again, so that helped as well. Ohhhhh and I finally did an hour on the elliptical! That was one of my February goals, so I'm stoked that I've gotten to that point before the middle of the month.  It's the little things people!!! Hope everyone ELSE out there has a great Valentine's day... I will NOT. I'm sure my husband won't shower me with chocolate and flowers because he knows I have allergies and I'm on a diet.. Actually he probably doesn't know either of those things. Nevertheless, I will just wake up, go to work, go on a date with the elliptical at the gym, and then go home! But my husband's douchebag tendencies are for another day! Sorry this is so short, but I've got to get ready to go to the gym before work!!! Make sure you check out Erin at She's a Big Star (link below) and all of the other ladies linking up today on Weigh in Wednesday! Here's to another great week ahead!

Stay Classy,

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Weigh in Thursday???

So amidst the craziness called 'Bridal Christmas' at work.... I completely forgot to post for Weigh In Wednesday...There was a lot of stuff going on, so time has definitely escaped me!

So what has happened in the last week??? Well let's start with this fitness expedition... which is totally the proper term for my fitness journey. As you may have previously read, I started going to the gym, so of course I thought " As soon as I rock this shit, I'm going to drop weight super fast!"

So of course that didn't happen.. probably because I'd reward myself for working out with something super bad for me... like a twinkie... but not literally a twinkie because that ish is HARD (that's what she said) to find.... Believe me, because I've checked.

So it's time for a diet change... For the rest of February I'm really going to try to stay away from alcohol for the rest of the month. I'm also committing myself religiously to My Fitness Pal. I lost my first 15 lbs just dieting and logging everything that I ate/drank. I'd like to jump on the clean eating bandwagon that's going on, but I need to do more research on it.. And by research, yes I do mean Pinterest.

Other than work and my not so successful week at the gym, I'm going crazy at home trying to potty train 3 toddlers.... Yep, you read that right, 3 toddlers...So of course I'm bat shit crazy! Oh yeah... and I know this is completely RANDOM.... but am I the only one who was NOT impressed with Beyonce at the Super Bowl?!

Sorry... I just had to say SOMETHING.. My facebook newsfeed that night was ridic with the love for Beyonce, I wanted to vomit.

 Anyway y'all.... Hope you're all having a FABULOUS week! This super awesome chick at  Keeping up with K has nominated us for a Liebster Award, so that post will be up in just a couple of days! Make sure you guys head over to her blog and give her some love!

Until next time guys!

Stay Classy!

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Friday, February 1, 2013

Meal Planning For The Semi-Healthy Control Freak, and other ADD ramblings.

Greetings all! It's FRIDAY!!!

Was everyone else's week as crazy hectic as mine? Thank sweet baby Jesus the weekend is FINALLY here! This weekend Amanda and I are having a girls night, and fo' reelz y'all it is seriously overdue! We're going out to a local place with live music for a friend's birthday party. (Really it's Amanda's friend, I barely know the girl, but I'm tagging along because this chick needs a drink!)

We're gonna go out, get white girl wasted, not count calories and be irresponsible. Doesn't that sound like fun?

I'm sure we'll be responsible Blogger girls and take pics of it all so we can update you guys on how interesting and narcissistic we are!

Now, onto what I originally wrote this post for. I decided to start meal planning. I even got all Betty Homemaker about it and created a spreadsheet for this next week. I had every intention of uploading it as a PDF to show you guys, but  I don't know how. instead I decided not to, BECAUSE:

Instead I'll just type it up like I know how.

Meal Planning for Week of February 3rd-February 8th
(Note: I'm only listing Dinner time meal planning since I have the same Breakfast and Lunch nearly everyday; cereal or oatmeal for breakfast. Sandwich, fruit, and cheese wedge for lunch)

Wednesday: Cajun Pork Tenderloin and Veggies

Do you meal plan? I'd love some tips and tricks to make it as simple as possible. Leave me some ideas in the comments below!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday!!!

It's Weigh In Wednesday Time!

Or maybe the more appropriately titled: 'WTF Wednesday'.....

 I'm going to post as positive as I can... Between all of the stress from work, kids, marriage, money, etc I'm literally about to pull my hair out...

 But I have some happies to post about so let's jump to that shall we? I joined a gym this past Friday. Yes, ma'am--me... in a gym... *Dramatic pause with the faint sounds of crickets chirping* Awesome right?! And I actually worked out, not just used the tanning that came with my package! I joined ATC Fitness. They don't offer classes, but they have plenty of treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, and weights so you never have to wait. It's 24 hrs, and it's only $25(with tanning, $15w/o) a month with no commitment. So of course since it's frugal, I had to do it! I really do enjoy it so far... I've gone 4 out of the last 5 days so, so far so good. I'm also down 1.2lbs from last week! Score! They measured me and my awesome bestie Becca last night to track our weight loss, and let me tell ya' it was eye opening. As she called out my measurements in comparison to Becca's, I was mortified...

But at the same time I'm super excited that Becca is doing so well. So kudos to her and her awesomeness :) She's not too far from onederland so I'm in like super cheerleader mode for her. At the same time, I'm acting like a drill Sargent in my own head. Every bone in my body is competitive. But I do want to give her a hand for being amazing and my own personal inspiration!

Next week's weigh in Wednesday will be better! A loss is a loss, but the bigger the loss, the better I'll feel. Any of you bloggers interested in hosting a challenge for February??? If you are, you can contact me through my email at :) Until next time!

Stay Classy,

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend Recap, and other ramblings...

Greetings everyone! It's Becca again, the more awesome less frequent blogger. I'm trusting that everyone had a great, fitness filled weekend! Did Amanda mention we joined a gym?

I've been DYING to join this gym since it opened back in the summer of 2012. It's only $25, it has 24/7 access, plus TANNING!!

This lady seriously freaks me out.

Now, before y'all jump all on my shit about how tanning is bad for you, don't. First off, I know it's bad for me, I do it anyway. Secondly, I'm from the south and I like to have some color on my legs when I wear my shorty-shorts and house shoes out to the Wal-Mart, dammit!

Anyway, back to the gym. So Amanda and I joined this past week and have been like a total of three times together because we have completely different schedules, but still, I love it.
Plus, my Brady Bands came in the mail Friday, so I TOTES had a good excuse to wake up SUPER early Saturday morning and hit the gym!

Yep, those are little mustaches all over. I'm in love. (excuse the grody smudged eyeliner)

If you guys haven't ordered from Amy yet, you totally need to. When I say these don't slip, I mean it. Plus they come in like a bazillion different styles, and best of all, they're cheap! She'll even custom make some for you if she can find the ribbon! I'm not even getting paid to endorse her, I just loved mine so much I thought I'd give a shout out! Not to mention she's one of our very own Fit Campers (awesome), and a portion of her proceeds goes to fund research for Pediatric Cancer (double awesome).

This week I'm working on planning out my meals and gym time to keep me more organized and able to stick to healthy eating. I plan to go to the gym today, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. I've also got meals planned out for 4 out of 5 work days. I'm hoping both of these things will help keep me on track. Do you have any specific things that help you stick to your goals? I'd love to hear about them in the comments below! 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Progress and Setbacks

I'm an optimist... I usually look at the glass and see that it's half full. I don't like to be around negative people, and I try to find the best in people... Lately I feel like every time I take a step forward, I take 2 steps back.. I really don't want to think this way, but it's kind of hard sometimes...

This week I've got some good news and some bad news... That falls in line with my terribly negative thinking right?

First the bad news... I've had some back pain for about a month, I finally decided to go to the doctor (cringe!) and she immediately sent me for a set of XRays and a MRI. Well I got the results today and it looks like I have Scoliosis... So of course I've been freaking out since then. I mean I know it's not like she said I have a flesh eating disease or the herp, but this FRAKKING (BSG ref.) sucks... My dad went through multiple back surgeries and never found any relief. He could barely sit though my high school graduation 10 years ago (has it really been that long!?).. I'm so scared I'm going to wind up like that! I guess you can say that's even more motivation to not only lose weight but to get fit and healthy. I knew popping out 3 babies in one year was going to cause more problems than just gray hair.. But they're so stinking cute, how could I not want them to multiply?!

Enough with the bad, on to the good :)

I joined the gym Friday :) What what?!

Yeeeaaahhhhh! I joined on Friday and I've worked out an entire 2 days in a row!!! Baby steps... Baby steps to dropping the pounds and getting healthy!  I really had myself psyched out thinking 'You have to be in shape before you can join the gym.' You know, everyone is working for the same goal, to be the best version of themselves... I put my headphones on and start going... I don't care what's going on around me (unless there's a Tsunami or fire) or how I look... in those damn compression pants from Old Navy... Which by the way, compression is just a fancy word for Spandex! I'm a work in progress, and I'm working to kick some ass in 2013 :)

Stay Classy!
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

22 Weeks/Weigh In Wednesday

It's Weigh in Wednesday!

For anyone that actually knows me in real life, the 22 weeks blog title probably just scared the crap out of you, but fear not, I'm not pregnant. I was pregnant for like 3 years straight, I'm so done with that!

This Weigh In Wednesday may as well be called Epic Fail Wednesday. I have made horrible choices all last week and most of it didn't include alcohol (improvement!). I know what I need to do to lose weight, it's not like when you're practically obese that you can hit a plateau, trust me that's not what's happening here. I have a giant weakness for...  SODA... not candy, not chocolate, not bread.. good ole' SODA... I mean like a crackhead weakness for it.

The only way I can drink water is if I chug it like a frat boy chugs beer. I know what I need to do and I have even more motivation to do it besides the whole 'you need to get healthy so I can chase after my little humans before they destroy everything in their path' motivation. The date has been set for my 10 year reunion. It is going to be June 14th and 15th (boo, no Bonnaroo for me). It's going to consist of a cookout, brunch (really?), a tour of our old school, and a Black Tie Ball at the Space and Rocket Center.

Black... Tie... Ball... I may work at a dress shop, but I don't do dresses... Not because I'm a tomboy or play softball, but because I fear looking like Free Willy in an evening gown. Well, I don't really know what I'd look like in a formal gown, Husband's idea of a fancy date is Lenny's sub shop and Netflix. But I imagine the image isn't a far off comparison.

 It's time to get on it. Maybe I should get voice clips of Jillian as my alarm clock? I can't seem to get up in the morning to workout, and I'm too tired once I get home from work. Let's just face it, I'm freaking lazy. But lazy ain't skinny, and if it is, then she's a bitch. I've done the math, if I just lose 1.5lbs a week, I'll lose 33lbs by the week of the reunion.

I think I'm going to have to just buckle down and join a gym. My co-author of this blog is going to join today. I really wanted to lose some more weight and have less 'jiggle jiggle' going on before I joined, but maybe this will help get my ass in gear.

Does anyone have any workout tips for beginners? And I really don't want to generalize myself as a beginner.. Maybe a pre-beginner beginner is a better description. I'm even too challenged for the C25k app right now. Any comments are appreciated :)

Stay classy :)

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Becca!

Today is my co-author's birthday!!!!! This beautiful B is turning 26 today :)

She's pretty awesome, and puts up with my crap. She's also one of those crazy perfect moms who always has dinner in a crock pot and thinks her house is dirty when you can't find one thing out of place; not even a speck of dust (psycho). She keeps it classy and is never trashy! So Happy Happy Birthday to you bestie! I love you!!!

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mini Meltdown

So I received an e-mail stating that my 10 year class reunion would be in June... JUNE?!??!

I thought for sure I had until August to get some of this weight off!!!! So now that I'm through freaking out and having a melt down, it's time to get into gear. I've moved my elliptical into my bedroom, top decorator here. I figure if I literally have to climb over it to get out of bed, maybe I'll trip onto it and just start moving!

My weigh in this morning was a good one! I'm down 2 more lbs and still in the Last Loser Standing. There's another competition starting on FB called The Biggest Loser Challenge. We'll weigh in each week and by the end of the competition (May) we'll see who the Biggest Loser was. It's perfect timing for the reunion!

In closing, I'd love to hear about any workouts you like to do that have produced results. Beginner level please... I'm no where near ML or Pretty Meg status. Those women are beasts in the gym.

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Is this thing on?

Hello Blog Universe! Rebecca here, the other half to this crazy blog. Amanda has already done a great job introducing herself to y'all along with posting other ramblings (blog whore). So I thought now would be as good a time as any to introduce myself and let you inside my ADD riddled brain. 

Let's start off with a little back story, shall we? We shall? OK!!
Most of my late teen/adult life I've always been right on the edge of being considered overweight. I've always carried my weight well. Never in one specific area, it was always kinda spread out everywhere...well except for my butt. I've always had a big butt, always WILL have a big butt. These are things after countless hours of therapy I've come to terms with. 

Fun Fact: This dude is BY FAR my favorite Meme!
I tell you all that to tell you this:
After you have a baby shit don't look the same anymore!! Yes people, that means, someone decided to put up with my craziness long enough to marry me and plant a baby in my uterus. I gained loads of weight, as everyone does with their pregnancies. This is fine. The problem I'm having is my "baby" will be four in July and I still weight the same as I did when I had him in 2009. Womp Womp.
Granted I HAVE lost 19 pounds since September so ya...that's cool.

Also, this being the new year and me being the bandwagoner that I am, I decided to also put my New Year's Resolutions out there for all you guys to see and ridicule! I kid, I kid.

  1. Lose the remaining 58 pounds I have to lose to get me back to my fighting weight.
  2. Devote one day a month to "me time". Whether that be going to get my hair or nails done, treating myself to some froyo and a good book, or buying some new workout gear. (That whole Happy Wife, Happy Life saying is true, y'all! Could someone please tell my husband that?)
  3. Be an "in the moment" Mother and Wife. So often I'm focused on the things that need to be done around the house, or at my job that I can't appreciate the here and now. That's a real big one I'm going to have to work on.
That's it guys, that's all I've got. Make sure to check back later in the week to see Me and Amanda's before pictures when we were chunky drunk at her birthday party last June!! Fun times!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday :)

It's the first weigh in of the year!


I'm down another 1.2lbs! Normally I wouldn't be super excited about a measly 1.2lbs, but this was since Christmas dude! I mean I ate my heart out on Christmas day, drank one or nine dranks (whipped cream vodka is the damn devil), and only worked out like twice. So yes, I'm super excited that there was a smaller number on the scale this morning!

Erin from She's a Big Star is hosting a Weigh-in Wednesday! Alex from Skinny Jean Pilgrimage is hosting it with her. I definitely want to link up so you can check out their amazing blogs and to also check out the other ladies who are linking up as well! Just click on the picture below to check out all the awesomeness!

Erin and Alex also want to start a new challenge each week to add to our workouts. I'm all for those crunches, my 4 kids obliterated my stomach muscles like Machete.

I'm hoping to lose 5 lbs in the month of January, so I'm working my non existent butt off to do just that. Know why? Because I believe that since the Mayans were wrong, I can do anything. 2013 will be my best year yet and I will work on becoming the best version of myself.

You ladies feel the same way? What are you going to do to make the best version of yourself come out?!

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